Data Controller: PANNON SET Trading and Service Limited Liability Company
Data Controller registration number: 01-09-908052
Data Controller tax number: 14529751-2-43
Data Controller headquarters: 1237 Budapest, Hrivnák Pál street 165. fszt. 3.
Data Controller e-contact:
Data Controller representative: Károly Lesták, managing director
Since informational self-determination is a fundamental right of every natural person as enshrined in the Fundamental Law, the Company conducts data processing solely and exclusively based on the provisions of applicable laws.
Personal data may only be processed for the exercise of rights or the performance of obligations. The use of personal data processed by the Company for private purposes is prohibited. Data processing must always comply with the principle of purpose limitation.
The Company processes personal data only for specified purposes, for the exercise of rights and the performance of obligations, to the extent necessary and for the minimum period necessary to achieve the purpose. At all stages of data processing, it must comply with the purpose, and if the purpose of the data processing has ceased or the processing of the data is otherwise unlawful, the data will be deleted. Deletion is carried out by the employee actually processing the data. Deletion can be verified by the person exercising the employer's rights over the employee and the data protection officer.
Processing of personal data is lawful only if at least one of the following applies:
The Company always informs the data subject of the purpose of data processing and the legal basis for the processing before collecting the data.
The principle of fair and transparent data processing requires that the data subject be informed of the fact and purposes of the data processing, as well as other factors.
At the request of the data subject, the Data Controller provides information on the data processed by the data subject, or processed by or on behalf of the data controller, including the source of the data, the purpose of the processing, the legal basis, the duration, the name and address of the data processor, and their activities related to data processing, the circumstances of the data protection incident, its effects and the measures taken to remedy it, and, if personal data is transmitted, the legal basis and recipient of the data transmission.
Information is generally provided free of charge if the requester has not previously requested information about the same data set from the Data Controller during the current year. In other cases, a fee may be charged. The amount of the fee may also be specified in the contract between the parties. Any fees already paid must be refunded if the data was processed unlawfully or if the request for information led to correction.
The data subject is entitled to access personal data and the following information:
The Data Controller provides a copy of the personal data subject to processing. The copy may be electronic if requested by the data subject and if the right to information is exercised by electronic means. The Data Controller may not charge a fee for the first electronic copy.
The data subject may object to the processing of personal data if the processing of the data is necessary:
The data subject is entitled to file a complaint with the competent authority in the event of a violation of their rights or if their request is rejected. The competent authority is the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH).